Topics to be discussed in this conference include (but are not limited to) the following:
Workshop is invited from experts (preferably from Industry) to be conducted in conjunction with the main conference. The length of the workshop can be half day or full day. Workshop with hands-on may attract more participants.
The following information is required from workshop organizer:
Organizers details like Name, Designation, Affiliation, Title of the workshop, Abstract, Brief profile of organizer(s), Photograph, Length of the workshop, Targeted audience, Plan for attracting audience, etc.
Please submit the workshop in pdf format via CMT submission page –
Please contact workshop chair for any queries.
Dr Praveen Jaraut:
Dr Sumantra Sarkar:
Tutorial is invited from experts to be conducted in association with the main conference. The length of the tutorial can be half day or full day. In-depth tutorial on emerging topics may attract more participants.
The following information is required from tutorial speaker.
Speaker details like Name, Designation, Affiliation, Title of the tutorial, Abstract, Brief profile of speaker(s), Photograph, Length of the tutorial, Targeted audience, etc.
Please submit the workshop in pdf format via CMT submission page –
Please contact workshop chair for any query.
Dr Abhilarsh Ravikumar:
Dr Uma Maheshwari:
Dr Chetan Singh Thakur:
Invited paper is requested from experience authors who are experts in the domain. The paper format and template remain the same as regular paper authors. However, the review is relatively light. The invited paper will also be submitted to Xplore. Please format your paper following the link SUBMISSION
Please submit the workshop in pdf format via CMT submission page –
Please contact General Co-Chairs for any query.
Dr Navin Kumar:
Dr Mufti Mahmud:
Reliable and/or Safe Embedded Electronics
Systems for Testing
Digital System Design and Validation
Digital System and Circuits
Memory Subsystems
Memory Computing Systems
HW/SW Co-design
IoT Systems
Cyber Physical Systems
Embedded Operating Systems
Analog and Mixed Signal Systems
RF Circuits and Systems
Low Power Systems
Power Management Systems
Data Converters
High Speed Interfaces
Reliable Systems
Wireless Circuits and Systems
CAD Tools and Methodologies for Design and
Inter-chip Interconnect
On-chip Interconnect
Multicore and Manycore
Data Centric Architecture
System on Chip
Embedded Processor Architecture in Vehicles
High-performance Computing
Embedded FPGA Reconfigurable Computing
Built In Self Test (BIST)
Design for Test Fault Tolerance
Quantum Computing
Network Security
Side-channel and Fault Analysis
Trusted Computing
Hardware Trojan
Functional Safety and Privacy
Optical Interconnect Architecture
Reliable Communication Architecture
Approximate Computing
3D ICs
MEMS, GaN, and SiC devices
Layout Technology
Physical Design
Interconnect Technologies
3D Packaging and Wafer-level Packaging
New Age Nanoelectronic Devices
Electronic Design Automation
Advanced CMOS Technology
Advanced Packaging and Heterogeneous Inte-
gration Technology
Process Technology
IoT and Big Data Analytics
AI-oriented Applications
Video and Image Processing
Applications Hardware Security and Trust
ML-oriented Applications
Wireless/Wired Communication Networks
Automotive and Vehicular Networks
RF Energy Harvesting
Power Electronics Applications
Biomedical and Healthcare Applications
Sensors and Instrumentation Applications
Signal Integrity Applications
Accommodation facility available @ Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bangalore campus - 560 035 (INDIA)
Limited accommodations are available at Amrita Bangalore on payment basis (first come first serve mode) subject to availability. Details are given below.

Contact Details:
Guest House (Direct booking): 7022588705
Dr. Ganapathi Hegde (Faculty co-ordinator for male delegates): 9448263527
Dr. Sunitha R. (Faculty co-ordinator for female delegates): 9972001530
Access the book of abstract of IEEE VLSI SATA 2024 using below link:
The 5th IEEE VLSI SATA (Systems, Architecture, Technology and Applications) conference would promote knowledge building, engineering education, research and development activities, and networking to establish and identify research groups and collaboration opportunities. The 2025 edition of VLSI SATA is scheduled during May 23-24. The theme of the conference is “Power Aware and AI Supported VLSI Innovation.” The conference is the flagship annual conference of IEEE Circuit and Systems Society (CASS) Bangalore. It is jointly organized and hosted by Amrita School of Engineering (ASE), Bangalore.
VLSI SATA 2025 will feature the presentation and discussion of new findings in the theory, methodology, design, and applications of VLSI. It serves as a global forum for researchers, academicians, and practitioners to share their ongoing theoretical research endeavours, innovative system and design solutions, and practical VLSI applications. The conference program includes traditional paper presentations, engaging workshops, and keynote addresses by distinguished educational experts and authorities.

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